I would highly recommend getting one of these if you deal with any type of graphics type program - 2D or 3D. Did I mention that cool blue ring of light around it are actually 8 seperate buttons that can be assigned functions for commands within the programs you use? Actually, I like to just stare at the thing it's so well modeled itself...
What are you waiting for? Go get one already! I'm not gonna give you mine!

Looking very :cool: Steve to bad it doesn't support Revit
Yeah, hopefully that should be corrected soon now that my friends and I have pointed that out to them. When it is supported I'll be sure to post back with that info.
That's too cool.
I think I saw Elise Moss post a review of one of these as well, what does she use it with? Inventor?
Cool "little" toy...I just got the SpacePilot" and it Rules!!! although i think i'm getting a Traveller also...
BTW: The black background, White Text makes your blog difficult to read. Love you lots,
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